范新光,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,烟台市食品绿色加工与质量控制工程研究中心执行主任,太阳集团欢迎您食品加工实训中心主任,山东省食品科学技术学会理事,《中国果菜》青年编委,中国农业大学园艺学院硕士研究生兼职导师。研究方向为果蔬采后生理与贮藏保鲜、果蔬智能包装技术。主持国家青年科学基金项目1项,山东省自然科学基金1项,烟台市科技创新发展计划项目1项,参与山东省重点研发计划乡村提振项目1项。以第一作者/通讯作者发表学术论文18篇,其中SCI TOP期刊10篇。申请专利6项,其中授权发明专利2项。
(1) 山东省重点研发计划(乡村振兴科技创新提振行动计划)“甜樱桃智慧高效生产与贮运加工技术集成创新与示范”(2023TZXD060),200万,参与,在研
(2) 山东省高等学校青年创新团队(食品纳米技术创新团队),200万,参与,在研
(3) 国家自然科学基金青年项目“杏果实在低温胁迫过程中γ-癸内酯生物合成障碍的机制研究”(31901738),24万,主持,结题
(4) 烟台市科技创新发展计划项目“基于微孔膜技术的果蔬智能包装的研发与应用”(2021XDHZ087),20万,主持,结题
(5) 山东省自然科学基金培养项目“近冰温冷藏过程中杏果实软化机制和细胞壁微观结构的研究”(ZR2019PC032),5万,主持,结题
(6) Xinzhi Cui, Xinguang Fan*, Xiulian Li*, et al. 2024. Improving the function of electrospun film by natural substance for active packaging application of fruits and vegetables. LWT, 191: 115683. (一区TOP)
(7) Yanfang Zhang, Xinguang Fan*, Shuyang Sun*, et al. 2024. Melatonin enhances the synthesis of volatile esters and lactones in apricot during low temperature storage. Scientia Horticulturae, 325: 112700. (二区TOP)
(8) Chunjun Chen, Xinguang Fan*, Xiulian Li*, et al. 2023. The preharvest and postharvest application of salicylic acid and its derivatives on storage of fruit and vegetables: A review. Scientia Horticulturae, 312: 111858. (二区TOP)
(9) Changchang Liang, Xinguang Fan*, Xiulian Li*, et al. 2023. Synergistic and antagonistic effects of preharvest salicylic acid and postharvest 1-methylcyclopropene treatments on the storage quality of apricot. Food Chemistry, 405: 134764. (一区TOP)
(10) Li Xiulian*, Fan Xinguang*, Zhuo Yingjie, et al. 2022. Methyl salicylate affects the lipophilic and hydrophilic antioxidant capacities of apricot by regulating carotenoid biosynthesis and phenolic metabolism. Food Chemistry, 385: 132709. (一区TOP)
(11) Fan Xinguang*, Du Zhilei, Gong Hansheng*, et al. 2021. Preharvest methyl salicylate treatment enhance the chilling tolerance and improve the postharvest quality of apricot during low temperature storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 177: 111535. (一区TOP)
(12) Fan Xinguang*, Jiang Weibo, Gong Hansheng, et al. 2019. Cell wall polysaccharides degradation and ultrastructure modification of apricot during storage at a near freezing temperature. Food Chemistry, 300: 125194. (一区TOP)